Óriási szerencséjük volt a coloradói rendőröknek, akik az I-70-es autópályán üldöztek egy szökésben lévő autóst. A törött hátsó lámpája miatt szúrtak ki egy fekete Hyundai Accentet, a rendszám lekérdezésével pedig kiderült, hogy korábban ellopták az autót, majd egy szilveszteri rablásban is használták.
Többfeléképpen is megpróbálták feltartóztatni a menekülő sofőrt, de a rendőrök egyik próbálkozását sem koronázta siker. Sejtésük sem volt róla, hogy előttük egy hókotrókból álló konvoj halad, melyen már a 27 éves szökevénynek sem sikerült áttörnie, amivel jelentősen könnyebbé vált a hatóságok dolga.
On January 2, 2025, at approximately 11:30 PM, an officer from the ISPD was patrolling eastbound on I-70 near mile marker 241 when he noticed a black Hyundai Accent driving with a non-functioning taillight. The officer's license plate reader indicated that the vehicle's license plate had been reported stolen from Northglenn and was connected to a strong-arm robbery and prior evading that occurred in Lakewood on New Year’s Eve. The ISPD officer attempted to initiate a traffic stop, but the driver eluded the officer. Officers from ISPD, the Clear Creek Sheriff's Office and the Gilpin Sheriff's Office attempted to use stop sticks but were unsuccessful. A tactical rolling roadblock was attempted, and the suspect aggressively avoided the maneuver, striking a deputy's vehicle. Unbeknownst to law enforcement, CDOT snowplows were traveling east on I70 up Floyd Hill and began to slow down, blocking the suspect's path. The suspect, 27-year-old Brendan Fooks of Denver, surrendered to law enforcement. Fooks was the sole occupant; there were no injuries and minor damage to the CCSO vehicle. Fooks stated that he was in the area looking for businesses to steal from. In a search of the vehicle, officers found tools commonly used for burglary. Fooks admitted he was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Officers found alcohol and drug paraphernalia in the vehicle. Fooks had two active warrants out of Broomfield for trespassing and shoplifting. He was arrested on these warrants and charged with several offenses, including vehicular eluding, aggravated motor vehicle theft, possession of burglary tools, DUI, possession of drug paraphernalia, reckless driving, and displaying fictitious license plates.
Közzétette: Idaho Springs Police – 2025. január 3., péntek
A lopott Hyundai sofőrjét szökéssel, autólopással, betöréshez használatos eszközök és kábítószergyanús szerek birtoklásával, gondatlan vezetéssel és hamis azonosítójel használatával is vádolják – írja a Jalopnik.